In the picturesque village of Ambelas, the perfect setting unfolds against a background where the Cycladic landscape remains untouched. The magical island atmosphere comes together in a unique combination with the minimal architecture of Luxury Villa Abby, creating an unpretentiously luxurius environment, engulfed in absolute tranquility.
The brand-new summer villa is in total harmony with the wilderness of the landscape. Its privileged location offers a unique sense of privacy, while at the same time the minimal design, characterized by austere, clean lines, together with the unobstructed view to the sea, can effortlessly relax its visitors.
The Luxury Villa Abby interior, dominated by white, the modern aesthetics of the Aegean Sea creates the most suitable background for the wooden elements to stand out. The oak beams of the roof, the lighting fixtures, and the handcrafted decorative items all elevate the overall aesthetics of the building. Designer furniture and fine cotton or linen fabrics come together in a harmonious blend with the bright natural light and the clean surfaces, creating a clear, unpretentious space, interrupted only by the blue color of the sea.
The impressive main building, unfolds on two levels, including a master suite with en-suite bathroom on the first floor, and two more bedrooms on the ground level, one with its own independent entrance. The same building houses the main indoor lounge with its spectacular sea view and a fully equipped kitchen, as well as a professional catering area. Three more independent rooms with private balconies with views to the Aegean Sea, can double as guest rooms. All areas have direct access to the outdoors, and provide all guests with a unique living experience.
The outdoor area provides an immersive sense of serenity, with main materials that complement perfectly the natural environment surrounding the villa. The impressive swimming pool covers an area of over 100 square meters and works as the natural continuation of the sea. The oversized open-air lounge overlooking the Aegean, together with the outdoor dining area, well-protected from the strong summer winds of the Mediterranean, as well as all other outdoor corners, are all created in a way to help your open-air gatherings and get-togethers with guests, at all hours.